Wednesday, July 2, 2008

ATW NewsClips - London

Financial Times

Prisoner of the Crown, Irish Repertory Company, New York
This could be the stuff of black comedy, and the Irish Rep production, with its speedy costume changes and its actors wearing many hats, sometimes borders on slapstick, writes Brendan Lemon

The Times UK

Crown Matrimonial, Richmond Theatre
The Abdication makes for very dry drama, despite sterling work from Patricia Routledge and the rest of the cast

The Guardian

On the Rocks, Hampstead, London
Amy Rosenthal's DH Lawrence biopic captures the passion but gives us little that we don't know already, finds Michael Billington

Don Giovanni, New Vic, Newcastle-under-Lyme
Chris Monks' dazzling theatrical adaptation adds a dash of magic to Mozart's opera, writes Alfred Hickling

The Three Sisters, Abbey, Dublin
Femi Orguns' debut tackles the explosive subject of race with honesty and verve, writes Lyn Gardner

The Infinite Pleasures of the Great Unknown, Toynbee Hall, London
Simon Vincenzi's nightmarish production uses surveillance cameras to creepy effect, writes Luke Jennings

The Guardian Performing Arts Blog

Mark Shenton: Can bad reviews shorten a show's life? - Off-West End & Fringe

Review: On The Rocks, Hampstead Theatre
No, this isn’t the satire by Bernard Shaw set in the cabinet office of Number Ten, though there are odd moments when I wished it were. Instead, [Amy Rosenthal]’s new comedy is a study in friendship and communal living in Cornwall in 1916. D H Lawrence and Frieda have invited Katherine Mansfield and John Middleton Murry to come and live next door.

Review: Star Power, Lando Theatre
Tony Sportiello’s Star Power is billed as the story of “fame versus fringe”, a black-and-white view of the world that inevitably limits the comedy’s scope, and paints the characters as stereotypes - the flakey writer, the camp leading man, the star-struck ingĂ©nue, the passionately ascerbic director who is so anti-movie she claims never to have seen one. Yet the talented cast manage to take what could have been simply an anti-movie, anti-fame, anti-money polemic and turn it into a heart-warming and funny tale of love and redemption.

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