Wednesday, July 16, 2008

AmericanTheaterWeb Wednesday, July 16, 2008 Update

It's really hard to believe that I'm almost approaching the two-month anniversary of the site being hacked even as the 10th anniversary of AmericanTheaterWeb rolls around (for those keeping track I started AmericanTheaterWeb back in August 1998).

I guess on some levels a fundamental re-evaluation of the site is a good thing at this juncture, and I'm really beginning to get psyched about what can be done at I move forward with everything. You'll see the forward motion at

Some of the cool things over there today include a digest of the reviews of the new cast that's in August: Osage County and a digest of the new production of Sunset Boulevard and the Zorro musical that have opened in the U.K. I'm aiming to have my review of The Strangerer posted mid-day.

Probably most exciting is the fact that it looks as if some new critics will be joining the ATW team come the fall.

So, bookmark until the changeover back to come happens.

Thanks for being so patient with me and the site.



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