Friday, June 13, 2008

ATW NewsClips - London

The Independent

Spacey to hold visiting professorship at Oxford

Review: The Chalk Garden, Donmar Warehouse, London

The Guardian

The bard of Belfast
Twenty years after his death, Belfast writer Stewart Parker's plays serve a potent reminder of his hometown's history, writes novelist Glenn Patterson

Review: Once Upon a Time in Wigan - Live!, Octagon, Bolton
The amphetamine-fuelled sweat-soaked nightlife of the Northern Soul scene is brought vividly to life in Mick Martin's play, writes Alfred Hickling

Review: The Ugly One, Royal Court, London
A 'modern vanity fair' is enhanced by a dazzling production, writes Michael Billington

The Guardian - Performing Arts Blog

Benjamin Ivry: Should In the Heights be grittier?

Daily Telegraph

Fertile ground for wit and wisdom
Charles Spencer reviews Enid Bagnold's The Chalk Garden at the Donmar Warehouse. - Off West-End & Fringe

Paula Wilcox On … The Cotton Dress Girl
Since first making her mark on screen in The Lovers over thirty years ago, Paula Wilcox has graced both our screens and the stage in countless roles. Talking to, she tells us about her latest performance in the one woman play Whatever happened to the Cotton Dress Girl which plays at the New End Theatre in Hampstead from 11 June until 20 July.

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
The latest announcements from Fringe and Off West End Theatres across the capital. BAC The Battersea Arts Centre was in full voice this week, announcing the details...

Review: Dov and Ali
There are a lot of intelligent things to be said about Anna Ziegler’s Dov and Ali, after all, it is a play which faces up to burning issues that are relevant to us all, but there is really only one thing that needs to be said. Go and see it.

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