Tuesday, June 3, 2008

AmericanTheaterWeb.com - Tuesday's Update

Morning all....

Well, yesterday it became official, The site as we all knew it is kaput, dead, broken beyond repair. Thanks to whomever felt it was necessary to hack into what has been 10 years of my life.

Sorry if I'm sounding bitter, but I am and I'm angry.

Okay, so what does this mean? Well, I have some hard choices to make. Basically do I turn to my programmer/designer and say okay "let's rebuild" and make it better than ever? Or, do I contemplate the enforced closing of a site that has had a good almost ten year run. I think it's going to be the latter...I just need a few days to look at all of the options.

Until then, I am going to keep the news going and continue to post reviews of shows that are opening here in New York. I figure that the redesign and reprogramming (if it happens) will take a good month or so, so bear with me and I will continue to post updates every morning alongside the news.

To everyone who's expressed their support of the site and me, I am very appreciative. I am going to really try to get this puppy back up. Today, there's just a little bit of me that's "fallen and can't get up."


Andy Propst

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